The links and resources below can help make preparation for your trip to Hideaway Lodge frustration-free. In particular, be sure to check out the link regarding Ontario fishing licenses. We recommend that you purchase your fishing license before arriving at Hideaway. Licenses are not easily available on the lake and purchasing yours online is the best way to ensure you won’t have to return to “civilization” in Emo to get squared away. Happy planning!

Fishing Regulations |

Hunting Regulations |

Area Attractions |
Frequently Asked Questions
For the questions Google can’t answer
What should I bring to Hideaway Lodge?
You’ve booked a fishing vacation and now you’re ready to head to the lake. So what should you bring? We can’t say we have thought of everything, but here is a good start:
For Everyone
Appropriate clothing
Waterproof footwear
Rain gear
Hat & gloves
Insect repellant
Duct tape
Ziplock bags
Fishing tackle
Rod tip replacement kit
Insurance information
Filet knife
Rods & reels
First aid kit
I.D. for border crossing
For Guests Heading To Our Outposts
All of the above, plus:
Sleeping bag & pillow
Toilet tissue
Dish towel, soap, and sponge
For Guests Bringing Their Own Boat
Landing net
Battery charger
Life jackets
One flashlight per boat
Extra rope
Want to print a copy of this packing list? Click HERE to download a copy of the Hideaway Lodge Suggested Packing List.
Do I have to book online?
Whether you’re experiencing technical difficulties or you just prefer to book the “old-school” way, we know how important it can be to speak to a real person when booking your vacation. Don’t feel like you need to book online- you can feel free to give us a call at any time to inquire about available dates and make a reservation. Once you have called Hideaway Lodge and have the go-ahead that your dates are available, click HERE to download a reservation request form. Print it, fill it out, and send it to Hideaway with your $150 deposit and you’re all set!
Give us a call! 807-482-3474
What are the area fishing regulations?
Northwestern Ontario fishing regulations can be hard to decipher. Here’s a quick breakdown of the limits in the Clearwater/Pipestone/Jackfish (Area 5) area. For more information about Ontario fishing rules and regulations, please visit the MNR website or download the Hideaway Lodge Limit List HERE
Sportsman: 4; not greater than 18.1 inches
Possession limit: 2 per day
Conservation: 2; not more than 1 greater than 18.1 inches
Large & Smallmouth Bass
Sportsman: 4; must be less than 13.8 inches until June 30; after that, any size
Conservation: 2; must be less than 13.8 inches until June 30; after that, any size
Northern Pike
Sportsman: 4; none greater than 29.5
Conservation: 2; none greater than 29.5
Sportsman: 0
Conservation: 0
Sportsman: 50
Conservation: 25
Sportsman: 10
Conservation: 5
Lake Trout
Sportsman: 2; not more than 1 greater than 22 inches from September 1-30 Possession limit: 1 per day
Conservation: 1; no size limit
Can I buy a fishing license at Hideaway Lodge?
Fishing licenses are not readily available on Clearwater Lake. For guests wanting a hassle-free fishing trip, we suggest that anglers come to Hideaway Lodge with their fishing license already purchased. Luckily, purchasing a license is pain-free. Click HERE to purchase your Ontario fishing license online.
If you would rather not purchase your license online, you can go to Devlin’s Corner Store.